Viorgan Bioenergy

Viorgan bioenergy, is a liquid, totally green, nutritionally rich, well-balanced, organic product, resulting from the physical extraction of earthworm compost (Viorgan compost) and the process of brewing with oxygen in the liquid phase.

Viorgan bioenergy as a natural product with rich microflora increases the resistance of plants to disease and cold, while installing a rich microbial load in the roots of plants.

Application – Dosages

With drops

 Vegetables: 2-6 lt / acre per application. For more impetus to the growth of plants, it is suggested one application every 2-3 weeks during the growing season to plant and bloom.

 Trees: 3-5 lt / acre per application. Suggested at least 2 applications in spring and autumn when developing buds and shoots of the plant.

 Vineyard: 3-5 lt / acre per application.

 Ornamental Floriculture: 3-4 lt / acre per application (every 2 weeks during the growing season).

Beneficial Properties – Benefits

Viorgan bioenergy thanks to the rich microbial load and the presence of useful enzymes and vitamins in the formulation exerts a beneficial effect on both growth and crop yield.


 Enhances earliness.

 Improves quality and increases production.

 Increases the resistance of plants to disease and cold.

 Improves absorption of soil nutrients.

 Enriches the soil with beneficial microorganisms (eg, actinomycetes, bacteria).

 Stimulates the growth and function of the root system.

 Promotes flowering and vegetative growth.

 Improves the taste of organic fruit and vegetables.
